Saturday, November 29, 2008

Huey on a Saturday Morning


QueenRaine said...

I wish I weren't computer-language impaired because I wanted to share a picture with you of my hedgehog wearing a tiny Santa Hat. It's very cute, albeit a little strange that I would take the time to make a tiny Santa hat for my hedgie.

Holly Hog said...

Super Cute! Email it to me. The address is on my blog!

Steffy said...

How cute is that? Such a handsome boy, and it appears he knows it to, all posing and quillin.

Razzle said...

AWW, Huey is so cute on a Saturday morn! :) At first I thought he was in SNOW, but it's just his super-white blankies! Love the back-leg scratch shot! HAPPY NEW YOU TO YOU AND YOUR GANG!!